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Transport Layer Security (TLS)*
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms
When the server proves its identity to the client.
In TLS, the parties will establish a shared secret, or symmetric key, for the duration of the session. The session key is uniquely generated each time a new connection is made. Asymmetric encryption is used in establishing a secure TLS connection.
TLS relies on PKI certificates authenticated and issued by a trusted third-party.
- NAT friendly
- More performance intensive than IPsec
- More devices support TLS than IPsec
TLS is communication based (DIM/DIT), not storage based (DAR).
Handshake Protocol
The Handshake Protocol allows the client and the server to authenticate each other and to negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic key exchange before data is sent or received.
The TLS handshake protocol takes care of the authentication and key exchange necessary to establish or resume secure sessions. To establish a secure session, the Handshake Protocol handles the following:
- Cipher suite negotiation
- Authentication of the server and client
- Session key information exchange
This protocol is what negotiates and establishes the actual TLS connection.
Record Protocol
The TLS Record Protocol uses the keys setup during the TLS handshake to secure application data.
Provides connection security and ensures that the connection is private and reliable. Used to encapsulate higher-level protocols, among them the TLS Handshake Protocol. The TLS Record Protocol is the actual secure communication method for transferring the data.
Provides connection security, reliability, and ensures the connection will be private. It is also leveraged to verify integrity and origin of the application data.
- Fragmentation and reassembly of messages.
- Compression and decompression of outgoing/incoming blocks.
- Applies a Message Authentication Code (MAC) to outgoing messages, and verifies incoming messages using the MAC.
- Encrypts and decrypts messages.